Redis > Administration and Maintenance > Configuration

As we already mentioned in the installation section, Redis can start without a configuration file and then it will take its built-in default configurations. However, in a production environment you will need to choose your own configuration parameters depending on your settings. Redis stores its configurations inside a file called redis.config and will contain configuration with the below format:

confugirationKeyWord argument1 argument2 ... argumentN

You can also pass configuration parameters via the command line which is very useful for development and testing environment. Example is shown below:

./redis-server --port 6380 --slaveof 6379

Finally configuring Redis while the server is running is also possible without the need to stop or restart the server. This is supported using the commands CONFIG GET , CONFIG SET which support most of the configuration keywords. Example is shown below:

CONFIG SET SAVE "900 1 300 10"

Above command will change the configuration related to persistence which will be explained later.

I am going to explain in the following sections how to configure Redis for various administration and maintenance tasks such as configuring security , scalability, upgrade, and backup. For a complete list of all the possible configurations that you can use in Redis, please check Redis documentation.